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bontrager xxx lite carbon seatpost custom tuning

Before I started working on various carbon components I did a test of my hands-on skills and theoretical knowledge. Clearly, I didn`t want to remove a painting from carbon parts by heavy hand-brushing but find an easier way of working and having fun. I decided to test a new Canadian product – Carbo-Lift (EDIT - nowadays it`s a PaintLifting company with CarboLift Sports product, the company has been re-located to the U.S.A.). Based on the product description, it`s ecological, non-toxic, water-soluble, and 100% reliable when proper work order and temperature setup (I later realized that the proper temperature is a key). OK, where to start my project? I took a carbon seat-post Bontrager XXX Lite Carbon delivered with a Trek Elite SSL 9.9 frame, but not used anymore. If something is wrong, it won`t be an issue. I ordered a small 500ml bottle of Carbo-Lift and kicked it off.

The first time I applied Carbo-Lift emulsion at the seat post`s surface I didn`t care much about proper temperature in my workshop (was the end of summer) and even after waiting for almost 24 hours, the result was more than bad (very bad, I would have said – "it does not work at all"). I was disappointed, however, I increased the temperature by using a powerful heater – an old electric oven. The temperature had increased up to 30C and I started working again. Now the mission is completed successfully. The painting went off the seat post like nothing and the pure carbon surface remains untouched. Finally, good job, Carbo-Lift! I did more steps with other applications of Carbo-Lift emulsion until I removed all the paintings. Every time I hung up the seat post over the electric oven and slowly heated it.

Once fully completed I slightly re-brushed the seat post with water sandpaper, grain size 1000. It was easy and a little job, it took me a few minutes only. In the end, I washed the seat post in warm water with soap and dried it.

Bontrager made its seat post from two different carbon textures, which caused another decision - to re-paint the seat post back. I decided to create a custom design – painting the seat post`s head with black colour, while the body remains unpainted. On top of that, I sprayed the seat post with a clear UV-block coat. The seat post clamps were re-anodized to black to match the seat post`s head design.